Join The Team



Join The Team

We want ONE&ALL to be the best place you will ever work, so you can do the best work you will ever do.


The mission of ONE&ALL Church is to bring those far from God near to God.

I will be fully engaged with all who come across my path, not thinking more highly of myself than I ought to. I will be open to constructive feedback, listen fully and seek out better ideas. I will ask how can I help? How can I hope? How can I honor?


I will serve with joy whomever and wherever needed even if outside my area of giftedness or defined role.


I will pursue Christlikeness in every area of my life.


I will give my very best effort believing that I am part of the most important endeavor known to man.


I will recruit, train and equip others to do the work of ministry while serving alongside them.


I will exhibit a "Whatever It Takes!" attitude at all times. I will actively pursue solutions and demonstrate a love for what I do by working hard for the Lord.


I will be conscious of my own emotions and manage them in a way that is honoring, respectful and productive to others. I will exercise common sense by saying and doing things that have a positive outcome on those around me.

Emotional Intelligence

I will conduct myself in a manner that builds, protects, and promotes the unity of my church. I believe that unity is essential to fulfilling our vision. I will resolve conflict directly, quickly and in a Christ-like manner.


I will choose to be thankful and consider it a privilege to be doing God’s work with the team at ONE&ALL.
